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pictures of board secretary Keely Cano with LPE students and staff
LPE students and staff welcomed Board Secretary Keely Cano for School Board Recognition Month
LT Specials Services Family Engagement Night, March 4, 5-730pm, HBMS
Meet our Special Services staff, gain insights into the ARD process and explore a variety of other helpful topics.
3 kindergartners celebrating 100 days of kindergarten
Kindergartners celebrate their 100th day of school
LTISD Job Fair; March 1, 9a-12p, Lake Travis HS, hiring all positions
Discover your future at LTISD!

Representatives from each department and campus may conduct onsite interviews. Learn more.

first graders celebrate 101 days of school
First grade celebrates 101 days of school
LPE eagle award winners for January
January Eagle Award winners for Respect and Integrity
KXAN meteorologist talking about tornadoes to students
LPE kindergarteners receive a special weather lesson from KXAN Meteorologist Kristen Currie
Kindergarten teachers  celebrate their 100th day of school
100 days of Kindergarten!
elementary students in classroom
Pie Day in 4th Grade
Exterior Lake Pointe Elementary
Buck the therapy dog with student reading a book
Buck celebrated National Puppy Day with Mrs. Kreines' Class!
elementary students in classroom
Celebrating Pie Day in 4th Grade
Buck the therapy dog with students in a classroom
More National Puppy Day Fun
elementary students in classroom
Enjoying Pie Day in 4th Grade
Nava's Love Bugs sporting orange in support of Unity Day

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Lake Pointe Elementary is a learning community where everyone is nurtured, respected, and challenged. All individuals are encouraged to be compassionate towards each other, to be creative, to be productive, and to be successful, lifelong learners.